The Leg, 2024
Artist and sculptor
Shura works with painting and large-scale sculpture. The artist's projects are based on observations of errors in everyday structure, system disruptions or mutations of familiar things. Conceptually, Shura's works often deal with the theme of childhood, its rethinking and reworking, with childhood images and memories embodied in a rough large-scale form. The shape and size of the objects (sculptures and canvases) are of great importance to the author's practice, a small and unnoticeable private observation is transformed into a totalitarian object that stands at the centre of the structure.
The Leg

Cruelty, taken to the extreme, turns into mercy.

Sometimes the naivety with which a person undertakes to correct his mistakes generates new, substitutive forms of existence. The 'revival' of the dead, the 'repair' of the broken always entail the appearance of an additional entity, only indirectly related to the lost original. Prosthetics as an act of restoring the whole is the last attempt to correct a mistake and preserve an entity that has suffered damage.

After working on the mistakes, a person is left with only a deformed image of the correct option, gradually becoming a new original.

The injured entity is erased by the will of its savior/corrector

Circumflexus: i-go-go
The image of the merry-go-round, neurotically reproduced and repeated in the Igogo project, points to an endless circular movement, to the formation of a certain repetitive cycle to which the human being is subjected. This circular movement creates an inevitable experience that manifests a system of totalitarian control that dictates what the future holds for us, on a private level. And paradoxically, the sense of nostalgia associated with childhood memories of riding the carousel collides with the grim discomfort that slips into the installation.

Paper, acrylic

Chromesthesia is a phenomenon in which irritation of the auditory sensory system leads to an automatic, involuntary response in colour or other visual sensations.

Textile sculpture

Photogram on the skin

According to many scientists, global temperatures will increase significantly by 2050. In some regions, heat above 50°C will become a permanent norm, which is intolerable for the human body. The ecological crisis will affect art. The availability of classical materials for visual art
will be limited. Under such conditions, the human body may become a significant field for the artist's work, and the sun will be the most accessible source for imprinting.
The work presents different variations of charring using natural ways of pattern making (natural: leaves, grasses, etc., rubbish: threads, rags, sticks, etc.)
Why isn't it melting?

Mixed technique, video

There is good reason to suspect that fake snow has been dumped on us since recently (or maybe a long time ago, data is being established). There are no other grounds for suspicion.

Textile sculpture

As kids, we were forbidden to fight, but we still found ways. An old laundered towel is required to create a fighting carrot. The stiffer the cloth, the greater the force of the blow. Having found the centre of the long side, it must be grasped with the teeth. Pulling the ends of the towel apart, slowly twist the cloth towards the centre. The tension should be maximum for the strength of the front teeth. Gradual tight twisting allows you to achieve optimal density of the sides. A characteristic curve is formed. The most important part of the carrot is the tip. It should be as tight and thin as possible. An effective blow requires a strong swing, allowing it to damage the opponent's body with the greatest accuracy. Swords are formed somewhat differently, the twisting of the towel goes diagonally. Here, the strength of the tension is not as important as the length of the weapon. In combat, a sword with a wet end is used. This allows you to inflict more painful blows on your opponent.

Textile sculpture, video

A Mach cone is a conical surface that restricts the region in which disturbances are concentrated in a supersonic gas flow. Hearing the sounds of airplanes overhead, but not finding their source, I also feel a slight indignation.
Finally to paradise

Steel, liquid emulsion

Caelum denique - from Latin. ‘At last to heaven’- the battle cry of christian soldiers before battle.
Solzhenitsyn's dream

Silver-gelatin print

The photography project exists inextricably with the literary story of the same name. In the story, the writer comes into contact with extraterrestrial civilisations. Finding himself in a closed settlement where aliens work for the benefit of Soviet man, he receives a personal alien with the skill of shorthand.

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artist & sculptor
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